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Italian Thermal Energy & Environment Committee (Milan)
The CTI, an entity federated with UNI, has the purpose of carrying out regulatory and unifying activities in the various sectors of thermotechnics, making use of the collaboration of public bodies, bodies and associations, aims to provide users with regulatory tools useful for the development of the thermotechnical sector.
To implement its institutional task, the CTI, in liaison with the UNI and with the corresponding foreign standards bodies, provides for:
Elaborare progetti di norma e altri documenti (guide o raccomandazioni) interessanti il settore termotecnico;
- Update and review existing standards and documents (CTI and / or UNI-CTI);
- Develop projects of norm and other documents (guides or recommendations) interesting the thermotechnic sector;
Take care of participation in international regulatory work in the sector.
Furthermore, CTI has long dedicated part of its resources to research activities at national and international level, almost always to support more properly institutional regulatory activities. The activation of research projects has multiple purposes: provide the necessary background for specific regulatory activities, develop useful collaboration with institutional bodies (MAP, MATT, MIPAF, Regions and foreign organizations of various levels) and other subjects (Industrial associations of the thermotechnical sector ).
The activity is mainly concentrated in the sectors of renewable energy sources and energy saving, in which there are high hopes for the reduction of primary energy consumption and emissions into the atmosphere. For example: alternative fuels, waste derived fuels and development of pilot regulations aimed at reducing energy consumption.
Partner with whom we work constantly